Whatfinger News Headlines
Robosen has already released several automated and officially licensed Transformers toys. Now, everyone’s favorite yellow Autobot and his original alternate mode is joining the…
your name. producer Genki Kawamura writes, directs
Korean group performs “Ghost” for June 6 film
One of Shonen Jump’s best artists is gearing up for a new series. Manga creator…
Starscream has been a constant part of the Transformersfranchise, with the scheming Decepticon being a…
If last week was a teaser, this episode is the first true introduction to our…
Gushing Over Magical Girls, Campfire Cooking in Another World, Isekai Tensei, Making Magic, more get…
After making its debut in 2009, Death Note has become one of those anime series…
Software launches for PS5/PS4 on February 21
Anime News, Anime Vids, Anime Sites….